8 Ways Highly Sensitives Can Get A Handle On Their Big Emotions
It’s five in the afternoon, and after a busy day of meetings and appointments, I’m standing in line at a noisy supermarket, picking up some items for dinner. My stomach is rumbling. A heavily perfumed woman steps in front of…
The HSP World Podcast Ep. 32: Highly Sensitives – Feeling Besieged?
The HSP World Podcast is available on iTunes, Google Play, Podbean, and Spotify. This podcast is brought to you by the HSP World Mastery Program dedicated to inspiring and empowering HSPs. Thomas: Hi and welcome to the HSP World podcast.…
5 Ways Highly Sensitives Can Overcome Information Overload
Ever felt like throwing your cell phone when a notification pings and interrupts what you’re doing? Information is constantly coming at us and can add to feelings of anxiety. Being easily overstimulated is part of the package for HSPs, and…
The HSP World Podcast Ep. 19: HSPs On Dealing With Social Media
This podcast is brought to you by The HSP World Mastery Program—dedicated to inspiring and empowering HSPs. Thomas: Hi and welcome to The HSP World Podcast. With each episode we invite a guest with the HSP Trait to have…
6 Ways Highly Sensitives Can Avoid Overstimulation
“I feel like I’m going to scream!” “I feel exhausted.” As a Highly Sensitive, these are some of the things you might have felt or said in the past. Overstimulation is when the input is too much for you to…
How Highly Sensitive People Can Overcome Feeling Misunderstood
There may be times when you may feel others don’t understand you fully, or perhaps at all. Being misunderstood may relate to a certain situation and what you say or how you act; when how it’s meant and subsequently received…
How Highly Sensitive People Can Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed
As HSPs we have a finely tuned nervous system and the stimuli we receive daily can be overwhelming. But it’s not just the amount of stimuli my senses pick up, it’s the depth of processing aspect of my trait that…
How Highly Sensitive People Can Manage Anxiety
Everyone experiences some degree of anxiety throughout their day. But sensitivity plays an important role in whether or not one would perceive a situation as anxiety-inducing in the first place. To better understand how anxiety influences our thoughts and behaviors,…
Only the Lonely: HSPs and Loneliness
I gazed out the window of the brownstone, wondering how many weekends I had spent alone. At twenty-six, I was living in Baltimore, my third floor apartment looking over trees on what used to be a block of regal homes.…
Tuning Out the World: An HSP’s Case for Guilty Pleasures
Mass shootings and famine, the homeless and war. Natural disasters you cannot ignore. Sexual assault and global warming… These are a few of my least favorite things. Such topics can easily be crammed into a ten-minute news segment, let alone…