How Highly Sensitive People Can Gain More Self-Confidence… with a Spiritual Twist
Highly Sensitive people have a natural gift for adaptability. After all, we begin adapting to the world around us the minute we’re born, into a world not set up to understand or accommodate our highly sensitive nervous systems. Does that…
Highly Sensitives and Recognizing The Dastardly Drama Triangle
Most of us grew up loving comic books, superheroes, and supervillains. Who wouldn’t? Superpowers, action-packed storylines, and even aspects of certain characters we can identify with, right? But have you ever considered that these comic book characters, with their superpowers…
3 Practical Life Hacks Every Highly Sensitive Needs To Know
Recently, I had the opportunity and honour of co-creating the 2023 Sensitive Success Summit, where 30 Highly Sensitive individuals gathered online to share their thoughts, feelings, life experiences, and expertise. It was an incredible cornucopia loaded with encouraging and helpful…
Highlights of the 2023 Sensitive Success Summit – Part 4
If you’ve been practicing the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO) and slept on the 2023 Sensitive Success Summit, an online international celebration of the HSP Trait created by Frida Kabo, you’re in good company. If you missed Week 3, here are…
Highlights of the 2023 Sensitive Success Summit – Part 3
If you’ve been practicing the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO) and slept on the 2023 Sensitive Success Summit, an online international celebration of the HSP Trait created by Frida Kabo, you’re in good company. If you missed Week 2, here are…
Highlights of the 2023 Sensitive Success Summit – Part 2
If you’ve been practicing the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO) and slept on the 2023 Sensitive Success Summit, an online international celebration of the HSP Trait created by Frida Kabo, you’re in good company. If you missed Week 1, here are…
Highlights of the 2023 Sensitive Success Summit – Part 1
If you’ve been practicing the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO) and you slept on the 2023 Sensitive Success Summit, an online international celebration of the HSP Trait created by Frida Kabo, you’re in good company. I couldn’t watch and participate…
Highly Sensitives and the Benefits of Naturally Recognizing Patterns
A large flock of pterodactyls noisily erupt from the trees by the watering hole from where the hunter-gatherer tribe has set up camp and is engaged in their afternoon activities. While the rest of the tribe doesn’t take notice of…
8 Ways Highly Sensitives Can Get A Handle On Their Big Emotions
It’s five in the afternoon, and after a busy day of meetings and appointments, I’m standing in line at a noisy supermarket, picking up some items for dinner. My stomach is rumbling. A heavily perfumed woman steps in front of…
The HSP World Podcast Ep. 44: Spiritual Self-Care Strategies for Highly Sensitives
The HSP World podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podbean App, Spotify, Amazon Music/Audible, Pandora, TuneIn + Alexa, iHeartRadio, RadioFM, Listen Notes, Samsung, iTunes and Google Play. Rayne: Hi and welcome to The HSP World Podcast, a…