How Highly Sensitive People Can Deal With Temperature Changes

Too hot or too cold. 

This is the reality of what an HSP goes through when it concerns temperature. 

The extremes, hot or cold, are very uncomfortable for us.

It can make it difficult to function like everyone else does when we’re dealing with weather changes.

This is an involuntary reaction. It just comes on strong and is hard to remedy.


The Highly Sensitive Person is naturally more sensitive to their environments, including the weather.

Weather changes can wreak havoc on our nervous system. 

We can’t simply go about our day if we are overwhelmed with the temperature around us.

But a lot of times, we can’t control what the temperature is around us. 

We may have to go into an office to work. Most offices have a set temperature and depending on the HSP it can affect how comfortable they feel.

Or we may work outside. This is much more difficult because we can’t control the temperature outside.

We may also work both inside and outside at the same time which brings up a whole new set of issues. So trying to keep a comfortable balance is tough.

We all experience temperature differently. 

Some of us may be able to adjust, but many of us have a hard time regulating our bodies to fit what we will feel once we leave the comfort of our temperature-controlled homes. 

No matter how much clothing we put on or how much we take off, it doesn’t change the fact that we are more sensitive to the temperature, and it may not help as much as we would like.

Temperature changes can be painful to the HSP. It is for me. It’s a pain like none other and can take a while to dissipate. 


Temperature changes can and do affect our mood. 

Some HSPs prefer it to be warm so if it’s cold out, your mindset will shift to a negative or unpleasant feeling. 

Same for those who prefer it to be cold. Warm weather can make them feel uncomfortable and even unhappy. 

But if we aren’t able to change the temperature to suit us, then we have to change ourselves to suit the temperature.


Here are a few ways to do this, and they can be helpful when used correctly.  

You can layer your clothing. Use thermal underwear under your clothing. Thermal wear is a tight fit inner clothing used during extreme winter seasons to keep our body warm.

In addition to thermal wear, you could layer your clothing. Start with a tank top, then add a long sleeve shirt, then add a T-shirt on top of that, then add a light sweater or two, and then top it off with your favorite jacket. 

Layering works well to keep you warm during the winter. Remember your hat, gloves, scarf and earmuffs, all the accessories you need to stay warm.

If you’re inside and it’s too cold, in addition to layering, you can bring a small space heater to place under your desk or near your work station or in your room. 

If you aren’t allowed to bring a space heater to work, there are heat packs you could put in your pockets to warm your hands.

Or you can bring a heating pad with you and place it against your back.

The kidneys regulate temperature so placing heat near them will help your whole body feel a bit warmer.

Keeping blankets around or near you to use can help alleviate the cold as well. Just wrap yourself up in one when you can. 

Of course, if you’re at home, turn the thermostat to a temperature that makes you comfortable. 

If you aren’t the only one in the house, then you may need to compromise on the temperature. Some like it warm, and some like it cold, so depending on what they feel, you may still have to bundle up a little.

If it’s too hot then you can wear clothing that suits the temperature such as shorts and a tank top or whatever may keep you cool and include using a fan, again near your work station or in your room at home.

Certain foods can also help raise your body temperature. 

This works well for winter days and nights. Purchase these foods and keep them around your house at all times so you can turn to them when needed. 

Of course, soup is a big one. A hot bowl of soup always helps when your feeling cold.

Here is a list of other foods they recommend for raising your body temperature; bananas, oats, red meat, sweet potato, butternut squash, drinking water, and drinking a hot drink.

Then we have the heat. Summer days can be brutal for some Highly Sensitives. 

When it’s hot we can become tired. We can be very emotional and experience headaches, nausea, trouble concentrating, and/or fainting. 

Sometimes the heat can be so intense that it makes it hard to breathe, especially in humid environments. So staying cool during the heat is important.


Here are some ways to stay cool during hot days; 

  • taking a cool shower, 
  • putting a cold rag on the back of your neck or the wrists, 
  • using fans both on the ceiling and ones that stand-alone, 
  • closing up your curtains and/or blinds, 
  • sleep in breathable clothes, 
  • go swimming, 
  • install energy-efficient light bulbs, 
  • cook with a slow cooker or outside on the grill, 
  • enjoy frozen treats, 
  • and use a handheld portable fan.

Since Highly Sensitives are affected by the temperature, a lot of them prefer to stay home where they can control it better or be near blankets or fans. 

They also prefer to work from home as well due to this. If you can stay in your preferred environment then definitely do so. 

But when you can’t stay in your environment use these tips to help regulate your temperature.

What ways have you found to help you deal with temperature changes? 


Interested in a similar topic? Read Should Highly Sensitive People Hide Their Sensitivity?

Shannon is a Highly Sensitive Person and an Introvert. She is a coach for Highly Sensitive People. She is an advocate for breaking the stigma on mental health. She loves laughter, kittens and helping people live their best lives.


  • Sel

    I’m curious how other HSPs tolerate things like using an Infrared Sauna for therapeutic purposes or cold immersion? There are so many health benefits for these therapies, but I have struggled to incorporate them into my life as an HSP. Personally, I wonder if they make me feel worse actually. I can’t find any comments about this in books or online, so I am wondering what others have experienced. Could it be that these things are good for non-hsps but not as much for those like us?

    • Rayne Dowell

      That’s a great question Selena. Since we’re talking about temperature extremes it may depend on the HSP, what their sensitivities are and how intense their sensitivities are.

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