An HSP on Discovering the HSP Trait
In the winter of 2016 something in me was triggered. I demanded within myself, answers, explanations and clarity. Something inside of me pushed me like never before. I spoke out, but from within, asking the Universe for the answers no matter…
Resilience and The Art of Getting it Right
My impatience had tripped me up again. Running a bit late for the optometrist, I knew I was going to get a speeding ticket the minute I laid eyes on the police car parked by the hardware store. I hadn’t…
Only So Much You Can Do
Friday dinners at our house are as simple as we can make them — as simple as any dinner can be for two working parents and two growing boys who eat their weight in food. Frozen pizza from the oven,…
Seeing Beneath the Surface
HSP’s are quirky people. We color outside of the lines when it comes to meeting stereotypes and expectations. The difference is because we look beneath the surface and react accordingly. For the Highly Sensitive, awareness is a whole different ball…
Losing Your Stomach — Highly Sensitive People and the Spiritual Path
Early summer means carnival season – homemade food served from pavilions by church folk and firemen, amusement park rides set up in fields, hucksters selling a chance to win a stuffed animal, an inflatable sword, a goldfish, or even a…